Personalized Cancer Care

"I have cancer, and I don't know what to do"

No one prepares for a cancer diagnosis, and yet when you are diagnosed, there are a hundred decisions to make. The most important of them is, ‘where should I go for treatment?’

The Advantages of Lahey Hospital & Medical Center

Lahey Hospital & Medical Center is a physician-led academic medical center. Board level certification for our physicians is the highest among the major Boston hospitals, and most of our subspecialty physicians, like those who work in cancer, are fellowship-trained.

Importance of ‘The Team’ with Cancer Care

Our philosophy is that the best health care is achieved in an environment where knowledge is continually exchanged, and practitioners of different disciplines and perspectives are available to share their insights. Doctors’ goals are aligned solely to provide the best possible outcome for every patient. Our specialists readily consult one another, review test results and collaborate on treatment plans. As a team, Lahey cancer doctors manage patients with the most complex or the most common diagnoses. That means the highest quality comprehensive care patients expect and deserve.

The Inestimable Value of Education & Research

Maybe this isn’t your first cancer. Or possibly, you’ve tried unsuccessfully at treatment elsewhere. Or you just want more options. That’s when you will appreciate the advanced diagnosis, treatment, and research available at Lahey.

A teaching hospital of Tufts University School of Medicine, Lahey’s physicians also hold teaching assignments at Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of Medicine. We maintain residency and fellowship programs for more than 130 new physicians in multiple subspecialties.

As a research center, Lahey clinicians are actively involved in research designed to support improved cancer therapy. Like our approach to patient care, our approach to research is often multidisciplinary, where two or more departments collaborate on a single research project. Treatment protocols are available for lymphoma, breast, prostate, head and neck, as well as other cancers. Genetic causes of cancers are also part of our ongoing research.

Kindness Matters

As vital as your medical treatment is, we never forget the importance of being treated with kindness and openness. We know you have questions, and we are firmly committed to providing the answers you need.