Patient & Family Advisory Council

About the Patient and Family Advisory Council

At Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) partners with patients and families to improve care and the patient experience. The PFAC is comprised of hospital volunteers, patients, family members and hospital staff. We serve as a voice for the patient and provide valuable insight about care practices from patient and family perspectives to help improve quality, safety and patient health outcomes. By collaborating with hospital staff and clinicians, PFAC members work diligently toward the goal of excellence in family and patient centered care.

Key Responsibilities of the PFAC

  • Share healthcare experiences with hospital staff and other PFAC members
  • Participate in group discussions to provide input on process and policy changes
  • Provide insight from patient and family perspectives regarding patient education materials
  • Identify patient and family needs and concerns
  • Serve on subcommittees to help bring the voice of the patient to hospital policies and care practices
  • Provide recommendations to improve quality, safety and service
  • Participate in various hospital committees, including: Quality and Safety, Patient Safety Rounds, Board of Directors Quality of Care Trustee Committee, Patient Education Task Force, Patient Experience Interdisciplinary Committee, Surgical Resident Training, Nursing Orientation and Skill Development Training, Diabetes Education Committee, Discharge, Research.

Learn More About the PFAC

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the PFAC, please contact us by email.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Patient and Family Advisory Council is:

  • To bring the patient and family perspective and voice to help Lahey Hospital & Medical Center establish and maintain a facility centered on the well-being of our patients.
  • To enable our administrators, staff, faculty, and interns to fully understand the various concerns regarding treatment and interaction with the patients and their families.
  • To aid our patients/families in developing a better understanding as to how Lahey Hospital & Medical Center administrators, staff, faculty, and interns are responding to suggestions on improving the patient/hospital experience.
  • To help improve the quality of service we offer to our community.
  • To ensure there is always an open path of communications between the patients/families and our administrators, staff, faculty, and interns.
  • To bring the best level of treatment and service based on available technology, and to constantly strive to incorporate new treatments as soon as possible.
  • To assist everyone in remembering that every person associated with Lahey Hospital & Medical Center is a professional, and they always have the best interest of the individual in mind.
  • To foster a feeling of trust and respect for everyone visiting, being treated and working at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center.

Recent achievements and initiatives by the Patient and Family Council include:

  • Assisted with input for new Emergency Department and General Internal Medicine spaces
  • Participated in Hospital Leadership interviews: CEO, Department Heads
  • Participated in Beth Israel Lahey Health (BILH) Quality of Care/Crisis Standard of Care Forum
  • Provided input to the MA Hospital Association Post Acute Care Guide/Brochure
  • Participated in planning re-entry to the hospital during the height of COVID and after
  • Through the volunteer office, wrote notes to patients and staff during COVID
  • Put together over 10,000 COVID testing kits
Membership & Application

There are many qualities that make a good patient and family advisor, including:

  • Interest in improving healthcare and the patient experience
  • Willingness to share personal experiences to help improve patient care and services
  • Desire to help patients and families become informed advocates for their own care
  • Willingness and desire to work and learn from colleagues and other patients/family members
  • Ability to keep an open mind, listen to others, think critically, ask tough questions constructively and see the “big picture” and not just a single issue

If you or a loved one has received care at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center and are interested in providing your unique perspective, we invite you to apply to be a patient and family advisor. Your experience and feedback are important and will help us to improve the care we provide to all patients. The PFAC meets for two hours in the evening on the first Tuesday of each month. No meetings are held in January or July.

The Patient and Family Advisory Council is comprised of 8-12 patient/family members, LHMC staff, one patient co-chair, one staff co-chair, and executive sponsors from the hospital’s senior leadership.

To apply, please fill out the application below.

Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) Application

Thank you for your interest! We look forward to getting to know you. PFAC meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (alternating months). While this is subject to change, please ensure that you are able to make this commitment.

After you complete this application, expect a call from our patient co-chair within two weeks discussing next steps. These may include an interview, a volunteer application, and proof of immunizations.