Kidney Transplant Aid

Support for Kidney Transplants

Kidney transplant is the surgical placement of a healthy kidney in a patient with failing kidneys.

The transplanted kidney can then do the job of the diseased kidneys. Since people only need one kidney to live, a kidney transplant can come from a living donor (usually a family member or friend). If a living donor is not available, then patients are placed on a waiting list for a deceased donor transplant.

A kidney transplant replaces the need for dialysis, though after a transplant, patients do need to take medicines for the rest of their life to keep their body from rejecting the new kidney.

Our nephrology team will evaluate you carefully and help you weigh the risks and benefits to determine if a kidney transplant is right for you. Lahey Hospital & Medical Center (LHMC) has an outstanding transplant center and our nephrologists work very closely with the transplant team.

Types of Kidney Transplant

There are two types of transplantation. We offer both at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center.

Living Donor Transplant

A living donor transplant can come from a blood relative, other family member or even someone you don’t know. The person giving the kidney and the person getting it have surgery on the same day. The donor can live well with a single healthy kidney.

Living donor kidneys may start working sooner than those from a deceased donor and they may last longer.

Deceased Donor Transplant

People who die and donate their organs are known as deceased donors. If you decide to have this type of transplant, your name is placed on a waiting list until a kidney that’s a good match for you is found. You may need dialysis while you wait for a kidney.