Treating & Managing Asthma

About Our Asthma Treatment Plans

Together with your doctor and clinical pharmacist, you will develop a personal asthma control plan appropriate for your level of asthma. This treatment plan may include medication, lifestyle changes and avoidance of triggers.


There are two types of medicines that are prescribed to treat asthma — long-term 'controller' medicines (inhalers and biologic injections) and quick-relief 'rescue' medicines that are taken to treat symptoms during an attack. Our Asthma Center providers can talk with you about whether you might benefit from a self-injected biologic medication (proven to improve asthma control by reducing exacerbations and often improving lung function).

Lifestyle Changes

Maintaining overall good health is important. Depending on the type of asthma you have, changes to your diet, exercise regimen or medication may be necessary to minimize the risk of an asthma episode.

Avoiding Triggers

While it may not be feasible to completely eliminate all asthma triggers, removing as many as possible from your home and work surroundings can help you enjoy a better quality of life with fewer asthma episodes. Your doctor will counsel you on which triggers to avoid. Even in the workplace, over which you may have much less control, there are often ways to reduce your exposure to key triggers by relocating your work area (if possible) or making changes to your work environment.

Managing Acute Asthma

If you are diagnosed as an acute asthma sufferer, your Lahey treatment team will provide you with all the additional information you need to manage your condition so that you can keep your visits to the doctor to a minimum. This includes:

  • A summary of steps to manage asthma episodes, including specific dos and don'ts and how to recognize those signs indicating when you should seek immediate medical advice
  • What to do if you have a cold or infection
  • When to go to the emergency room
  • Clues for deciding when to go to school or work and when to stay at home

Special attention is also given to children who fall into this group, including plans for keeping your child active and how to set appropriate guidelines for your child's activities.