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The Care You Need, When You Need It

When you have symptoms of a gastrointestinal (GI) illness, disorder of the stomach and intestines), you want a skilled specialist to look at the problem. You also want answers quickly.

That’s what happens at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center. Our team of gastroenterologists coordinates your care and works with nutritionists, surgeons, nurses and others to diagnose and treat the full range of gastrointestinal and liver conditions. This team is focused on providing you with the highest quality care.

In This Section

Learn More About Gastroenterology

Our Team Approach

People suffering from GI or liver conditions often need to see a variety of specialists and other providers. Coordination of your care is a team effort and the result is high-quality care delivered quickly.

Comprehensive Care

Our GI team treats patients from young adults to the elderly. We give each one the highest-level care right from the start. No matter how common or complex your illness, we have the skills and technologies to get you back to living your life.

We provide everything from screening colonoscopies to care for complex inflammatory bowel disease. Here are just a few examples of our innovative care:

  • Our advanced endoscopy practice is one of the largest in our region. We routinely do innovative procedures there such as ERCP to evaluate and manage gallstones and other disorders.
  • Advanced testing at our Esophageal Motility Center helps people with conditions such as GERD.
  • State-of-the-art treatments at our Liver Center help people with a diverse array of liver conditions. We do more liver transplants than any other center in New England.
  • Our Colon Cancer Screening Center finds polyps early. Removing them can prevent colon cancer.
  • New therapies at our Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center give people with inflammatory bowel conditions a better quality of life.
  • Research at Lahey gives many of our patients access to innovative treatments not available elsewhere.
The Personal Touch

Gastrointestinal symptoms can upset your life and add anxiety to every day. Your team at Lahey will take every step to make your healing process easier.

You can count on us for:

  • Short wait times for appointments. We see patients in less than one month
  • Quick referrals to other Lahey specialists
  • Providers who take time to listen and answer questions
  • Having one of the highest number of female gastroenterologists and practitioners in the state
  • Highly skilled nurses
  • Screening tests
  • Immediate follow-up for people diagnosed with tumors

Whether your primary care provider refers you to us, or you make an appointment yourself, we’ll walk you through every step of your care. You are always the most important person on your care team.


Make an Appointment

If you have symptoms of gastrointestinal illness or distress, you want answers quickly. We’re here to provide them.

Our specialists can help with a consultation, or you can set up a time for a screening, such as a colonoscopy. Please speak with your referring provider to place an order for an endoscopy or colonoscopy. We’re also happy to make an appointment for a second opinion about a diagnosis from another provider.

If you prefer a provider of your own gender, just ask—we’re happy to accommodate you. We understand how reassuring it is for women to see a female provider for gastrointestinal problems. Lahey Hospital & Medical Center has more female gastroenterology providers than any other center in the nation. They provide the highest level of care along with added comfort for female patients.

If you’re already seeing your own provider for your symptoms, he or she may want to refer you to a specialist. We welcome referrals from primary care physicians and other providers.

Refer a Patient
Our Specialty Care

Gastroenterologists at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center are prepared to see your referred patients quickly and professionally. We are committed to keeping you informed about the care we provide your patient, to engaging you in that care whenever possible, and to returning your patient to your care at the appropriate time.

Patients with complex disorders benefit from our state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment facilities. We welcome referrals to our specialty clinics such as our:

Our clinical capabilities also include motility disorders as well as malabsorption and malnutrition syndromes.

Referral Options

Lahey Hospital & Medical Center has streamlined our patient referral process to give referring providers the responsive service they need. Please choose one of these methods to refer your patient for gastroenterology specialty care:

  • Call our Referring Physician Concierge Line at 781-744-8899. This line is staffed Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm by access coordinators who can arrange specialty appointments for your patients.
  • Call Gastroenterology directly at 781-744-8693.
  • Use Endoscopy on Demand. Primary care physicians can arrange endoscopy procedures before their patient sees a Lahey specialist. Call 781-744-8690.

Gastroenterology Medical Education & Research

Lahey Hospital & Medical Center is both a teaching hospital and a research center, which gives our patients significant benefits, including having access to treatments that aren’t available at other hospitals.