Community Health Grants

Open Funding Opportunities

Lahey Hospital & Medical Center (Lahey) has a history of providing grants to community-based organizations to support evidence-informed programs and services that address issues identified in our needs assessments.

Those receiving our grants report on the outcomes and impacts of their projects at the conclusion of their grant period.

Our strategy is to support evidence-informed upstream programs and services that reduce or address the community needs identified in our implementation strategy.

For more information about our RFP process, please email Michelle Snyder, Community Benefits and Community Relations Manager.

Lahey Radiation Oncology Determination of Need (DoN) Community-based Health Initiative (CHI) Funding

Between 2024 and 2027, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center is investing a total of approximately $988,105.06 through its Community-based Health Initiative (CHI) for its Determination of Need (DoN) for the Radiation Oncology project in Burlington. Of that total investment, approximately $494,052 will be allocated through this Request for Proposals (RFP) process, with the remaining funds to be allocated through a direct investment in a housing initiative.

The deadline to apply is February 16, 2024 at 5:00 pm Eastern Time.

Request for Proposal Resources

Applicants will need to apply via the Beth Israel Lahey Health (BILH) community benefits database (CBD). (Access the CBD is now closed for this project.)

  • Full RFP: Detailed information about eligibility, health priorities, how to apply, and more
  • Budget Template
  • FAQs: Posted February 2, 2024
  • Virtual Information Session: January 24, 2024 at 1:00 pm (past)

Request for Proposal Timeline

Deadline Task
January 12, 2024 RFP released online
January 24, 2024 Virtual information session from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Eastern Time
January 14-29, 2024 Q&A period
February 2, 2024 Answers posted to FAQs
February 16, 2024 Full Proposal due via BILH Community Benefits Database by 5:00 pm Eastern Time
March 15, 2024 Full proposal applicants notified of grant decisions
May 1, 2024 Three-year grant term begins, starting with 3-month planning period with BILH Evaluator

Hospital Grant Support

In February 2023, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center awarded $238,000 in grant funding to 13 community-based organizations. These grants are part of Lahey’s ongoing community benefits commitment and will provide much needed funding for local organizations in support of their mission to meet their community’s needs. Of particular emphasis for the grant awards are programs and services that focus on food access, behavioral health, transportation, and housing stability — needs that were identified in the hospital’s recent Community Health Needs Assessment.

Each year grant applications are reviewed and selected by the Lahey Hospital Grant Selection Committee, which is comprised of hospital leaders and local partners from across Lahey Hospital & Medical Center's service area.

Community Benefits FY23-FY25 Grant Recipients

Burlington Council on Aging Fitness Classes

Grant funding will support fitness classes for seniors to help them maintain or increase their strength, agility, and balance.

Burlington Council on Aging Memory Cafe

Grant funding will help the Burlington Council on Aging to hold one Memory Café a month to offer lunch and some form of activity or entertainment to provide a couple of hours of connecting with each other and taking a break from daily life.

Housing Corporation of Arlington, Affordable Housing, Family Stability, and Tenant Leadership Development in Arlington

Grant funding will help provide an integrated set of social service programs that provide affordable housing, prevent homelessness, connect families to vital resources, and help low-income people develop as leaders so that they may advocate for themselves and their community.

Livestrong and Enhance Fitness Programs (North Suburban YMCA)

Grant funding supports Livestrong at the YMCA, a 10-12 week, small-group exercise and peer-support program designed to assists those who are living with, though, or beyond cancer to strengthen their body, mind and spirit. Enhance Fitness is a 16-week evidence-based group exercise program for older adults that uses simple, easy-to learn movements that motivate individuals to stay active and prevent falls throughout their life.

Lowell Community Health Center

Grand funding will support the Health Equity Through Language Access Project, which ensures that each and every patient has access to health care in a language they understand, in all delivery modes including during primary care visits and follow-up phone calls/texting, printed materials and translated materials on the website and posted to various social media sites

Merrimack Valley Food Bank, Community Market

The grant funding will help bring fresh produce to public housing residents. During the growing/harvesting season, the Community Market program will bring fresh produce and other food supplies to residents of four public housing projects in Lowell.

Metro North YMCA Enhance Fitness

Funding will support a 16-week evidence-based group exercise program for older adults that uses simple, easy-to-learn movements that motivate individuals to stay active and prevent falls throughout their life

Mill City Grows

Grant funding will support Community and School Gardens to increase parent engagement in School Garden Education by hosting nine (9) family garden days at Lowell Public Schools and increase physical accessibility at Community Gardens by installing stone dust walkways in all community gardens, and building seven (7) tall, wheelchair accessible beds

Minuteman Senior Services

Funding will support the Regional SHINE Program which provides Medicare beneficiaries, caregivers and families with no cost Medicare and public health benefits counseling at 20 locations in an 18-community service area including Arlington, Burlington, and Winchester.

North Shore Community Health Center School-Based Health Center

The grant funding will support “To Create Safe Spaces for all Students to Access Services and Thrive” which takes place at Peabody Veterans Memorial High School and supports the Youth Advisory Council (YAC).

Place of Promise

Grant funding will support the Residential Addiction Recovery Program for Underserved Men & Women, which serves individuals that have tried and failed many other addiction recovery programs, are unable to understand and navigate the health care system, and have no financial resources.


Funding will support community health outreach, and engagement and education for Arab and South Asian domestic immigrants and their families. Saheli will assist immigrants with a culturally competent Community Health Worker (CHW) who will improve access and engagement of health and safety services and will provide education and engagements with medical and mental health providers.

The Center for Hope and Healing, Inc.

Grant funding will support “The Reducing Barriers for Underserved Sexual Assault Survivors” program to provide capacity building to The Center for Hope and Healing (CHH) counseling staff to support BIPOC survivors of sexual assault and substance use disorder and conduct a needs assessment to identify barriers and opportunities in delivering support groups.

Community Benefits & Health Needs

For more information, please contact Michelle Snyder, Community Relations Regional Manager.