Internal Medicine Residency Rotations & Schedule

Inpatient rotations

General Medicine Wards

  • Teams consist of two interns, one resident, one attending (hospitalist or general internist).
  • At the start of the year, each intern is paired with one resident for 1:1 supervision to ensure a supportive transition to residency, a new institution, a new role and a new EMR.
  • 6:00 am to 6:00 pm shifts
  • Census up to eight patients (hard cap)
  • Drip system, one admission per day per intern except on intern’s day off
  • Can sign out to long call team earlier than 6:00 pm
  • No overnight call, night float rotation present

This video highlights a day in the life of residents on the wards service.

Night float

  • Team consists of two night float interns cross covering inpatient teams.
  • Supervision is provided by a senior admitting residents, and a Nocturnist.
  • 6:00 pm to 6:00 am shift
  • Friday night off
  • Separate CCU/ICU night float to cover units with an in-house intensivist.

Liver & Heme/Onc

  • Combined resident subspecialty services
  • Liver team consists of one intern, one resident, GI fellow, Heptaology attending
  • Hem/Onc team consists of one intern, one senior resident and oncology/hematology attendings

“Junior Hospitalist” Rotation

  • Special rotation done at the beginning of PGY2 year
  • PGY2 works one-to-one with a hospitalist attending for 3-4 weeks
  • Designed to consolidate clinical knowledge, develop managerial skills, and ultimately prepare residents to be able to oversee PGY1s on the Wards

CCU/Cardiology Service

This video highlights a day in the life of residents on the CCU/cardiology service.

  • Team consists of two interns, two residents, one PCCM fellow, one PCCM attending
  • Closed ICU unit (16 bed unit split between ICU and CCU teams)
  • No overnight call, night float rotation present
  • One PGY2/3 does a 24 hour call on Friday, with the weekend off

Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, a safety-net, public hospital in Boston, including a prison ward.

  • Four-week rotation for categorical interns
  • Team of four interns from different hospitals, one senior resident, one attending
  • Provide care to a vulnerable patient population – inmates, substance abuse, psychiatric patients

This video highlights a day in the life of residents on the MICU service.

Learn More About Our Program's Rotations & Schedule

Outpatient Rotations

General Internal Medicine Continuity Clinic, every fifth week:

  • Categorical residents only
  • Residents work with a designated group of preceptors in General Internal Medicine clinic every fifth week
  • One session is in a subspecialty clinic of choice for PGY2 residents to allow for career exploration
  • Monday is designated as a WIN (What I Need) day off
  • Tuesday and Friday are full day clinics
  • Wednesday is a half day afternoon clinic. Residents can use the morning for research, scholarship, etc.
  • Thursday is a full educational day. Mornings are dedicated to GIM teaching and quality improvement overseen by an associate program director.
  • A comprehensive Evidence Based Medicine lecture is conducted mid-day, taught by Dr. Sheri Keitz, our Chair of Medicine
  • Simulation covering a variety of medical scenarios and procedures is conducted in the afternoon

Ambulatory Subspecialties

  • Outpatient rotations in all medical subspecialties in one to two week blocks
  • Categorical residents rotate through all required over the course of 3 years
  • Preliminary interns can rotate as an elective


  • Wide variety of inpatient rotations available to rotate through including traditional medical subspecialties as well as non-medical subspecialties such as Radiology, Blood Bank, Dermatology, etc.
  • Away electives can be arranged, including international electives with a recognized organization that does overseas work. Past residents have traveled to locations such as Jordan and Bolivia.

Elective Jeopardy

  • Elective rotation that is also designated as sick call
  • One Jeopardy day off a week

Emergency Medicine

  • Four weeks for prelim interns
  • Two weeks/year for categorical (PGY2/PGY3) residents
  • Lahey is a level-one trauma center with a busy and newly renovated emergency department which means that our residents get exposed to a wide variety of medical, surgical, and neurologic emergencies and pathology.


  • 2 week rotation at the Bedford VA Hospital overseen by a Geriatrician.
  • Outpatient neuro geriatrics


  • 2 week rotation split between outpatient clinic and inpatient consults.
  • Work directly with various attendings who specialize in different fields like movement disorder, epilepsy, and stroke.