Couple traveling together and taking pictures

Travel & Tropical Medicine

Counseling, Medical Care & Immunizations: Before & After Foreign Travel

The Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic is designed to help travelers deal with all their health needs in preparation for a safe and pleasant trip. The Clinic also addresses and treats unexpected illnesses that arise while traveling out of the country, using a multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration with dermatologists, liver specialists, gastroenterologists and our colleagues in an on-site parasitology laboratory. We are also part of the GeoSentinel network, which is a worldwide communication and data collection network for the surveillance of travel related morbidity.

At best, getting sick in a foreign country can ruin a vacation or business trip. At worst, it can leave the traveler in need of medical care in an unfamiliar environment. The best defense against illness in a foreign setting is preparation before you leave home: appropriate treatment for any preexisting medical conditions, proper immunizations, preventive medications and knowledge of medical and safety risks at your specific destination(s). In addition, help ease your mind while in a foreign country by being familiar with locations to access quality health care where English is spoken.

Our physicians have practiced in tropical countries and have unique expertise in diagnosing and treating emerging diseases including dengue fever, malaria, leishmaniasis and other insect-borne diseases. If you believe you may have acquired a disease while overseas, please call us at 781-744-3874 so we can schedule a consultation with one of our specially trained Travel Clinic physicians.

In This Section

Meeting the Needs of the Adventure Traveler

Trekking, mountaineering and diving trips to developing countries, in particular, require pre-planning and counseling about potential health and safety risks and ways to avoid them. Activities such as biking and trekking can often expose travelers to problems such as rabies and high altitude sickness, both of which can be prevented by vaccines and medications available through the Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic. As an added advantage, adventure travelers have access to an on-call Travel Clinic physician, 24 hours a day, seven days per week.

Caring for the Corporate Traveler

The Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic is prepared to meet the unique needs of the corporate traveler, who may often have to travel at short notice. Travelers requiring preparation for frequent, short trips receive comprehensive treatment. In addition, group appointments at the corporate site are available for consultation and some immunizations.

Out of town or overseas telephone consultations from occupational health physicians can be made available. In addition, corporate travelers have access to an on-call Travel Clinic physician, 24 hours a day, seven days per week. For less emergent health issues that arise while overseas, travelers can also email our Travel Clinic physicians.

To make an appointment for an urgent visit (within 72 hours), please call the Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic at 781-744-3874.

Meet the Travel & Tropical Medicine Team

Daniel P. McQuillen, MD
Daniel P. McQuillen, MD Infectious Disease

Diseases of Clinical Interest

Diseases of particular clinical interest to health care professionals in the Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic include:

  • Dengue Fever
  • Filariasis
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Leprosy (Hansen’s disease)
  • Leptospirosis
  • Malaria
  • Melioidosis
  • Parasitic Diarrhea
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  • Tropical skin diseases
  • Tuberculosis
  • Viral hepatitis

Frequently Asked Questions

I will be traveling soon. What vaccines do I need?

The need for vaccines for foreign travel is quite variable depending upon your destination(s) and specific itinerary, age, medical history and vaccination history. When you come for a consult at the Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic, it is very helpful to bring your exact itinerary and immunization records with you.

Can I get the Yellow Fever vaccine through the Travel Clinic?

Yes, the Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic is a World Health Organization (WHO) designated center and has all vaccines approved for use in the United States, including the Yellow Fever vaccine.

Do I need to be seen by a Travel Clinic physician each time I travel?

Not necessarily-if you are traveling to the same destination within 6 months of a previous visit to the Travel Clinic, we may be able to manage your informational and prescription needs by telephone.

Will my insurance company cover the cost of Travel Clinic vaccines?

Some insurance companies cover the cost of vaccines. However, it is best to contact your insurance carrier for information specific to your policy, as not all insurance companies cover these costs.

What happens if my insurance company will not cover the cost of the vaccine I need?

Patients are required to pay out-of-pocket at the time of service for all vaccines not covered by insurance. To obtain a vaccine not covered by your insurance provider, call the Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic at 781-744-3874 to schedule an appointment. On the day of your appointment, you must first pay for your vaccine at the Outpatient Pharmacy located in the main lobby of Lahey Hospital & Medical Center. Once you have paid, please proceed to your appointment at the Travel and Tropical Medicine Clinic on 7 West.

Will Medicare pay for my travel-related consult or vaccines?

A straight Medicare policy typically does not cover preventive services such as the physician consult through the Travel Clinic or the accompanying “travel vaccines.” In these cases, the patient is billed for what is not covered by the insurance company.

Make an Appointment

To speak to a member of our Travel & Tropical Medicine team, please call.